Where is the Show?

Parkland Art Gallery is located at
2400 West Bradley Avenue
Champaign IL 61821

To find the gallery when classes are in session, we suggest using the M6 parking lot on the north corner of the campus. Enter through any door and follow the ramps uphill to the highest point of the first floor, where the gallery is located. The gallery windows overlook the outdoor fountain area.

(Also see maps)

Gallery Hours:
Monday through Friday 10am–3pm
Monday through Thursday 6–8pm
Saturday 12 noon–2pm

(Closed For Thanksgiving
from 3pm Wednesday, November 26 thru Sunday, November 30)

For more information, contact:
Lisa Costello, Art Gallery Director
Office: D-026
Telephone: 217/351-2485
Fax: 217/373-3899

Special thanks to the following sponsors who helped make this event possible:

This program is partially supported by
a grant from the Illinois Arts Council,
A State Agency.

Graphic design: Anni Poppen





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